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  • Writer's pictureRonnie Richards



I am updating the prices of my commissions, because I realized that some of the more difficult options were not that much more expensive than the easy stuff, so basically I wasn't asking for as much payment as I should have.

I'm still trying to figure out a way to put this all into an easy-to-understand and read form so that pricing isn't a hassle. I've tried customizable calculators and various apps, nothing free that does the job of properly calculating all of the options, so I'm having to map this out by hand. It's not much more complicated than my original listings, but like I said it's just hard to map out so that it makes sense.

But here's a silly little graph I laid out with pen and paper, and this is basically what the final charts will looks like but will include example pieces like the old ones. Don't mind the Max doodles. Also the realism one isn't finished.

But yeah those should be posted within the next few days on the commissions page and on my Instagram.

Thank you for your patience!

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